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Story time

The Famous Roy Rond
           Once upon a time there lived a boy called Roy. He was famous because of his books and episodes. He was giving information about animals and how you should treat them. The people who did not care, respect animals, also disliked RR ie Roy Rond. Roy was frustrated with them but he still did not mind them.He started showing new episodes about ‘Meen the Fish’. Day by day he started getting famous. The episodes started showing: how to care for fish, The life of fishermen etc.
          Finally, Kingmashsa Kur, the enemy of RR, decided to kill him. He said to his guards “Off with his head”. The guards went to KILL him. When they reached South America where Roy stayed, they searched around. Finally they found Roy .He asked “Hi,who are you?”. One of the guards shouted “can’t you see we have come to kill you?” .Roy shrieked “Ahh”. But he was very smart.
           He started to play tag with them! “Wow! I will also join !”, screeched Kingmasha in sarcasm. The guards took out long, sharp swords. “1,2 and 3 off with his head ” , Kingmasha snapped .Roy ran away. The guard fell down . Kingmasha took a gun and leap on a window, he lost his balance  because of the ball thrown by Roy's pet dog and suddenly he fell down on the road .A car bashed him, and that was the end of him.
The fan of RR who saw this called the police.
There after, the great RR became more famous.


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Welcome Welcome Welcome, Me founder of Teamyellowdragon has made this blog only for the stories. This stories can be through poems, plays, music, ect. Just relax and enjoy the stories we make.                                      Thank you.